WAI-ARIA: Role=Time

An element that represents a specific point in time. Description An element that represents a specific point in time. NOTE: At the present time, there are no WAI-ARIA properties corresponding to the datetime attribute supported on <time> in [HTML]. The addition of this property will be considered for ARIA version 1.3. Authors SHOULD limit text contents to a valid date- or time-related string,…

WAI-ARIA: Role=Code

A section whose content represents a fragment of computer code. Description A section whose content represents a fragment of computer code. The primary purpose of the code role is to inform assistive technologies that the content is computer code and thus may require special presentation, in particular with respect to synthesized speech. More specifically, screen…

WAI-ARIA: Role=Insertion

An insertion contains content that is marked as added or content that is being suggested for addition. Description An insertion contains content that is marked as added or content that is being suggested for addition. Insertions are typically used to either mark differences between two versions of content or to designate content suggested for addition…

WAI-ARIA: Role=Generic

 A nameless container element that has no semantic meaning on its own. Description  A nameless container element that has no semantic meaning on its own. The generic role is intended for use as the implicit role of generic elements in host languages (such as HTML div or span), so is primarily for implementors of user agents. Authors SHOULD NOT use this role in content. Authors MAY use presentation or none to remove implicit…

WAI-ARIA: Role-Meter

An element that represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. Description An element that represents a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. Authors MAY set aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax to indicate the minimum and maximum values for the meter. Otherwise, their implicit values follow the same rules as <input[type=”range”]> in [HTML]: The value of aria-valuenow MUST NOT fall below or exceed the computed…

WAI-ARIA: Role=Deletion

A deletion contains content that is marked as removed or content that is being suggested for removal. Description A deletion contains content that is marked as removed or content that is being suggested for removal. Deletions are typically used to either mark differences between two versions of content or to designate content suggested for removal…