WAI-ARIA: Role=Strong

Content that is important, serious, or urgent. Description Content that is important, serious, or urgent. The purpose of the strong role is to communicate strong importance, seriousness, or urgency. It is not for communicating changes in typographical presentation that are not important to the meaning of the content. Authors SHOULD use the strong role only if its absence would change the…

WAI-ARIA: Role=Caption

Visible content that names, and may also describe, a figure, table, grid, or treegrid. Description Visible content that names, and may also describe, a figure, table, grid, or treegrid. When using caption authors SHOULD ensure: Authors SHOULD set aria-labelledby on the parent figure, table, grid, or treegrid to reference the element with role caption. However, if a caption contains content that serves as both a name and description for its parent, authors MAY instead set aria-labelledby to reference an element within the caption that contains…

WAI-ARIA Role=Emphasis

WAI-ARIA: Role=Emphasis

One or more emphasized characters. Description One or more emphasized characters. The purpose of the emphasis role is to stress or emphasize content. It is not for communicating changes in typographical presentation that do not impact the meaning of the content. Authors SHOULD use the emphasis role only if its absence would change the meaning of the content. The emphasis role is not…

WAI-ARIA: Role-Superscript

One or more superscripted characters. Description One or more superscripted characters. The superscript role is intended to be used only to mark up typographical conventions that have specific meanings; not for typographical presentation for presentation’s sake. In general, authors SHOULD use this role only if the absence of the superscript would change the meaning of the content. Characteristics Superclass…