Understanding SC 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum)

Understanding WCAG SC 2.5.8 – Target Size (Minimum)

The intent of this success criterion is to ensure the target of any UI element has 24 by 24 CSS PX target size  or there is enough spacing provided between two targets that have undersize targets. Note that zooming or other style changes adopted by users with disabilities must not modify the target sizes. So,…

SC 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum)

Understanding WCAG SC 3.3.8 – Accessible Authentication (Minimum)

A cognitive function test (such as remembering a password or solving a puzzle) is not required for any step in an authentication process unless that step provides at least one of the following: AlternativeAnother authentication method that does not rely on a cognitive function test. MechanismA mechanism is available to assist the user in completing the cognitive function test. Object RecognitionThe…

Understanding SC 2.5.7 Dragging Movement

Understanding WCAG SC 2.5.7 Dragging Movements

All functionality that uses a dragging movement for operation can be achieved by a single pointer without dragging, unless dragging is essential or the functionality is determined by the user agent and not modified by the author. Note: This requirement applies to web content that interprets pointer actions (i.e. this does not apply to actions…

Understanding SC 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum)

Understanding WCAG SC 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum)

When a user interface component receives keyboard focus, the component is not entirely hidden due to author-created content. Note: Where content in a configurable interface can be repositioned by the user, then only the initial positions of user-movable content is considered for testing and conformance of this Success Criterion. Note: Content opened by the user…

Does the HTML hr (horizontal Rule) Benefit Screen Reader Users?

Does the HTML hr (horizontal Rule) Benefit Screen Reader Users?

A conversation with a fellow accessibility subject matter expert led me to contemplate this topic. While working on the design aspects of DigitalA11Y, I encountered the separator block in the Gutenberg editor which utilizes an <hr> tag. For screen reader users, this tag is being read as a separator. The discussion revolved around whether the…