WAI-ARIA: Role=MenuitemCheckbox

WAI-ARIA: Role=MenuitemCheckbox

A menuitem with a checkable state whose possible values are true, false, or mixed. Description A menuitem with a checkable state whose possible values are true, false, or mixed. The aria-checked attribute of a menuitemcheckbox indicates whether the menu item is checked (true), unchecked (false), or represents a sub-level menu of other menu items that…

WAI ARIA Role=Navigation

WAI-ARIA: Role=Navigation

A collection of navigational elements (usually links) for navigating the document or related documents. Description A collection of navigational elements (usually links) for navigating the document or related documents. User agents SHOULD treat elements with the role of navigation as navigational landmarks. Screen Reader Support For Role=Navigation Expectation JAWS Narrator NVDA Orca TalkBack VoiceOver (iOS) VoiceOver (macOS)…