TechAccessOK 2018 Registration

Oklahoma ABLE Tech is thrilled to once again bring you TechAccessOK, Oklahoma’s information and communication technology accessibility conference!
This year’s event takes place at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City on June 28th and 29th. Thanks to our generous sponsors, the event is once again FREE to attend!
Thursday, June 28th will be a one day workshop on creating accessible PDF forms. Bevi Chagnon is back with us again this year to lead the workshop. This will be a bring-your-own-device session. A limited number of laptops will be available to use, but please bring your own laptop if you want to make the workshop hands-on.
June 29th brings in ICT accessibility experts from across the country to share their knowledge. We are working to finalize the schedule, but our speakers include:
- Jessica Anderson, Sean Dixon and Nate Marshall from OU’s Center for Public Management speaking about building an accessibility program
- Ashley Bischoff from The Paciello Group, speaking about using plain language
- Luis Garcia from eBay, speaking about testing for accessibility
- Glenda Sims from Deque Systems, speaking about the new Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1
- Lainey Strange from the State of Missouri speaking about writing effective alternative text
- Jay Wyant and Jennie Delisi from the State of Minnesota, speaking about accessible multimedia and captioning
We will offer break refreshments in the morning and afternoon both days. Lunch is on your own, but being in downtown Oklahoma City there are lots of options.
There is a room block reserved at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel for those coming in from out of town. The rate is $95 for the night of June 28th.
Thank you to the Oklahoma State Department of Education, the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services and iPro Oklahoma for your generous support of this year’s TechAccessOK!
The full schedule for TechAccessOK 2018 will be published soon on the website.
Register Here to Avail Your Free Pass