8 step plan to accessible and inclusive websites with DWP & Texthelp

Inclusive and accessible digital experiences are more important now than ever before. 1 billion people across the world live with a disability. The average reading age in the UK is 9. Are your digital platforms, content, campaigns and social media posts easily accessed and understood by all? Or are you potentially breaking the law and excluding huge portions of your online audience?
Creating an accessible and inclusive website isn’t a simple checkbox exercise. It’s a process. After all, websites are forever changing with new images, documents, videos and content being added constantly. Maintaining digital accessibility is part of the journey too. It’s also not the responsibility of one person, but the role of many. But how can you get everyone in your organization motivated and equipped to make a difference in the digital world?
It’s a lot to think about! That’s why our partners Texthelp are joining with the
Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to bring you a webinar filled with useful advice!
Craig Abbot, Head of Accessibility at DWP and Donna Thomson, Inclusive Content Specialist at Texthelp will walk you through their 8 step plan to creating and managing accessible websites and content. They’ll explore how you can gain business buy-in and prioritise action. And offer their best tips to creating accessible and readable content.
Sign up for the webinar on October 21st to join live, get advice and ask questions from the experts. The webinar will be of particular interest to marketing / communications /PR professionals, website managers, digital leaders, corporate social responsibility leads and IT specialists. It’s also beneficial for anyone hoping to optimise their online presence, improve brand reputation, and boost bottom line by building more inclusive marketing and digital experiences.
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By registering you will also receive a recording of the session, along with a host of free guides and resources that will help you apply what you’ve learned and share the new information.
Register now for ‘ 8 step plan to accessible and inclusive websites’.